Arc2 architecten verricht ontwerpend onderzoek naar kleinschalige koepels op het dak van een universiteitsgebouw in het centrum van Amsterdam. De koepels bieden binnen het plan van een duurzame woon-werk locatie overdekte ruimte aan het dakterras en plek voor regeneratie van regenwater.
Arc2 architects was invited to submit the Blijdorp Zoo Amazonica Dome design for the 2014 Daylight Award. This award is a biennial Dutch prize for quality nonresidential and residential building projects that achieve an optimal balance of daylighting, artificial lighting and other building design aspects.
GeoDomeDesign partners Emil Luning and Gert-Jan de Jong handed over a check to the management of Blijdorp Zoo on behalf of the Amazonica constructors. The gift is intended to fund the purchase of rare buttefly pupae for the tropical biotope.
Geodesic domes for coal storage are under construction on behalf of Italy’s leading energy provider. The plan includes the largest domes in Europe with a diameter of 144 metres.
We designed a transparent space for the Breidablick live/work community. It consists of a geodesic dome beneath which the mentally handicapped residents can cultivate fruit and vegetables as a daytime occupation. The timber-framed dome has an infill of transparent air cushions which admits daylight deep into the interior.